Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. For us, as teachers, our daily work involves institutionalized teaching and learning in relation to a curriculum but we can’t forget that any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. It’s here where our Erasmus+ project fits, preparing students for life as active citizens.

This is the blog specially created for the ERASMUS+ project called It's my life, it's my choice Here there are the 5 EUROPEAN schools working together in this challenger adventure:

1- The Coordinating school: LAUDIO BHI from Laudio (SPAIN)
2.- GROTIUSCOLLEGE, Delft (The Netherlands)
3.- NORGARDENSKOLAN, Uddevalla (Sweden)
5.- LYCEE AORAI, Pirae (French Polynesia)

Monday, 8 June 2015


The week was very fun and we learned a lot about Sweden and the other countries.
We learned about Swedish animals and the laws in Swedish nature.
The funniest part of the week was when we were all together in the evenings and learned to know each other better. The first day we were at David`s place and bought some pizza and sat out in the good weather. The second day we were at Sarah´s place and celebrated Alva´s birthday with a birthday cake and some singing and dancing.
On the days we went to different places in Bohuslän example on Tuesday we went to “Nordens ark” and saw different animals.
On Thursday we went to the hairdresser school and we got our hair done and some of us got make up done.
// Sarah, Jonna, Arabelle, Lova

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