Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. For us, as teachers, our daily work involves institutionalized teaching and learning in relation to a curriculum but we can’t forget that any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. It’s here where our Erasmus+ project fits, preparing students for life as active citizens.

This is the blog specially created for the ERASMUS+ project called It's my life, it's my choice Here there are the 5 EUROPEAN schools working together in this challenger adventure:

1- The Coordinating school: LAUDIO BHI from Laudio (SPAIN)
2.- GROTIUSCOLLEGE, Delft (The Netherlands)
3.- NORGARDENSKOLAN, Uddevalla (Sweden)
5.- LYCEE AORAI, Pirae (French Polynesia)



In all the countries we are going to involve local associated institutions that will help us in the
development of our partnership. Their role in the project will be organizing workshops for teachers,
parents and students to help us achieving the objectives of our partnership. They will be an important
 part during the mobilities to the different countries. They are experts in the different fields we want to
work on. For example "Sasoia" from Spain, P.R.A.T Delft from Holland and " Uddevalla socia
l services" from Sweden that work in the field of health (Tobacco, alcohol,...) "Ekoizpen" from Spain
 and "Gröna gårdar" from Sweden, their expertise area is about healthy food (Organic food, seasonal
 food, local products,...) "Bubisher" from Spain, it is an NGO that works with immigrants and refugees .
SCSHSS Service ( Specialized Consultations Health and School Health ) Centre of Mother and Child
 in PIRAE . This service priority is Education for Health ( Ottawa Charter ) . CCSTAC ( Center
Specialized on Consultations Alcohol and Addiction )from French Polynesia,... We think that the
involvement of these organizations in our project will contribute to organize the work around the
project in a more innovative way that will motivate students, parents and teachers to take a more
active role in our project.

bas.png Basque Country

Our school

The history of our secondary school starts in 1953 being the first school in Laudio which offered official secondary education. Laudio is an important industrial center located 50 km from the capital. During the second half of the 20th century the trend was for people to move from rural areas into towns to both live and work as industry was set up and expanded. Many workers came from other parts of the state and Laudio became the most important industrial and commercial town in the area. Nowadays the area is undergoing the consequences of the international economic crisis with an increasing unemployment rate.The identity of the school is based on the following principles and objectives: Respect, freedom, autonomy and individual responsibility, autonomy and human rights, education in and for the peace, solidarity and cooperation, whole development of the person, culture and learning, relationships and learning in Basque, the minority language spoken in our community, health and hygiene.Our school is the only public secondary school in the town with 87 teachers and 691 pupils. Students of all levels of capability attend our school. We provide those with special educational needs with support so that they can progress through the school and achieve success. At this moment teaching of adapted curriculum applies to 51 students at different levels. This school year 31 immigrant pupils from different countries are supported to acquire the Basque language and to allow them to make a successful transition into our curriculum.The canteen and the school transport are some of the services the students' families can count on: 157 pupils have lunch at school. Those families with lower income can apply for a grant, being at this moment 203 students who have applied for it.
In the last 12 years our school has been involved in different European projects such as Comenius or Leonardo, been the coordinators of the last two Comenius projects, from years 2009-2011 and 2011-2013. The last one, called HUGES, has been awarded by the Spanish National Agency as the best one in Spain and has also been selected as “Star project” in the EST " European Shared Treasure".
This recognition gives us even more strength to face the new challenges of the new Erasmus + framework.
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SASOIA S.L. (Health Education and Prevention of Drug Addiction),
 is an association located in the Basque Country. It is formed by
people with a background in medicine, psychology, pedagogy,
sociology, law, social education.
It was formed in 1986 and works in the world of health education
 and drug addiction prevention.
Its scope are the school, in its three pillars: Students, teachers
and parents and also community groups such as those working
with young people, professionals in education, health, social
services,... enterprises and population in general hosted by
municipalities or the Basque Government.
The responsible person and our contact in SASOIA is
Mr Vicente Fernandez Rodriguez he has a degree in medicine
 from the University of the Basque Country (EHU-UPV) in 1982.
 Since 1986 he has been involved in activities carried out in
schools working in the area of drugs consumption prevention.
 He's been a teacher at the University of the Basque Country
 (EHU-UPV) at the medicine and at the nursing schools.
He takes part frequently in symposiums and appear in educational
 programs on TV.
The interventions that SASOIA carries out are:
• Prevention of addictions at school level. Tobacco , alcohol and
 other drugs.
• Training for educators.
• Courses to give up smoking.
• Awareness campaigns around alcohol use.
• Development of snuff prevention programs in the school
• Creation and implementation of development programs
about emotional intelligence.
• Prevention at family level.
• Programs around food, sexuality, self-esteem, social skill


EKOIZPEN: Its main objective is the development of organic

 production helping in the agroecological development of the

city of Orduña and its region promoting agriculture and livestock

 farming linked to land and ecology. Starting from Food 
Sovereignity and Agroecology, the main objective is the 
development of a local food system.
Activities and Services:
* Technical advice: diagnosis of the situation in the farms, 
introduction to characteristic aspects of ecological management,
 information about the stages of conversion to ecological 
agriculture and livestock, and to advice on the feasibility analysis.

* Administrative advice: to facilitate and expedite to obtain 
information about the procedures, and to advice about the
 existing economic aid.
* Spreading and training activities.
* Dynamization: farmers markets, groups of consumption, 
projects around collective consumption of local products,
 forum about agroecology, urban gardens, and gardens for 
self consumption.

BUBISHER: A NON -PROFIT association that works with
 immigrants and refugees.
The Bubisher project is aimed to the population of the Saharawi 
refugee camps in the vicinity of Tindouf-Algeria, located in the
 most inhospitable part of the Sahara desert.
Bubisher is a non-profit association that does not forget the 
Saharawi people, and continues working to help them despite all 
the difficulties they suffer in their everyday lives. It was formed in
 2008 with the purpose of launching a network of libraries and 
motor-libraries within the campsof refugees to promote the use of 
Spanish, the Saharawis consider the Spanish language part of 
their cultural identity and it is their second official language after
 the hassanía, dialect Of Arabic. At present, the wilayas (refugee 
camps) of Smara, Auserd and Bojador already have a library and 
a motor-library each, and they are working so that the two missing 
refugee camps of Dajla and El Aaiun, also have libraries very soon
, because their main objerctive is that all the children and young 
people in the refugee camps have access to books, knowledge 
and culture.

Libraries and motor-libraries for the refugees camps.


- Sweden:

GRÖNA GÂRDAR produces and sells organic, grass-fed lamb and beef
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Associated partner: Gröna gårdarOrganic meatGröna gårdar was founded in 2001 and produces and sells organic, grass-fed lamb and beef. Originallyconsisting of three farms, located in the heart of the west coast province of Bohuslän, Sweden, the company has grown to include 30 selected farms locatedaround this area.All farms are certified organic and in addition to the rules set up by the certification standard, they follow Gröna gårdars own set of rules. The principal is to solely raise the cattle on the grass, herbs and spices naturally found in the province.The pasture diet is a slow and natural way to bring up cattle and lamb, the result is a tender and delicious meat. Flavored by the surrounding nature, the forests, the salt sea and the meadows.

NATURE SCHOOL contribute to the pupils’ learning about ecology and appreciation of nature, learning about the historical, present and future the use of nature and also to use nature in ordinary school subjects.


- Holland:

History of our school.

In1839 the Gymnasium in Delft was founded from the Latin school that excisted from the 14 century situated at the Schoolstraat in Delft.
In 1864 it became the public high citizen school ( HBS ) at the former Gasthuiskerk situated at the Koornmarket.
In 1912 people decided to get a new building in the Mijnbouwstraat. This building was active used from 1922.
In the year 1964 we celebrated the 100 years excistence of the HBS.

In the year 1967 some schools were working together the Grotiusgymnasium and two other schools and together it became the City school community Hugo Grotius divided about 5 locations. 
In 1995 there was a fusion between van der Ende school for Mavo and the housekeeping school Rust Roest coming to the van der Made school community .
From that time there was a VMBO department at the Van Bleyswijckstraat where our old building was.
In 2012 we got the cooperation between this school and the Christian
This corporation is called the SC- Delfland and is our present school.
In 2016 will this school been situated in the new Building at the Center of Delft at the Ireneboulevard. 

Our school has also a part that is cold the ISK. 
This part of the school gives lesson to students that comes from everywhere all over the world to Holland .
Different reasons to come to Holland. Parents with a Dutch father and an mother from other country. Polen Russia, Romania and Bulgaria. 
But also Refugees form countries from south Africa( Somalia) and from Syria, Kurdistan, Iraq, Iran, Croatia. 
So we have a very large diversity of Students coming from all over the world to our school.
Our school has about 600 students and about 75 teachers. 

Our school has a long time experience with projects.
We have done for about 12 years with Comenius projects. And now we are involved with the first Erasmus project.


Partners for the project.

  1. P.R.A.T Drug prevention advice team. They give lessons at our school for students to let them know about the negative sides of addictions.
  2. GGD Zuid- Holland : called the love bus. They give information about Sexual Health to Students. Goal is to let students in a more relaxed situation learn about the things to do in a love relation without getting problems with their health. And all that has to do with love. Lover boys sexuality prevention and of course about safe sex.
  3. NIBUD: That institute gives education about money. How can you coop with the money you earn. How can you have the things you want and get no problems with a lot of debts.

We have some more Partners that help us to teach our students in their way of living. 
Codename Future helps them with “ how to act on the Internet”
Leefstijl: Learns then about social emotional learning. Prevention of Harassment.

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Prat lesson about the addictions.


Delft is a city between two big cities Rotterdam and den Haag in the south of Holland. Delft has about 110.000 inhabitants. Delft has an historical inner-city and developed in the 19e century to an industrial town and is nowadays important because of the technical university en the testing results center TNO en Deltares , specially as Delft city of knowledge with as slogan “ Creating history”. 
City of Delft is famous because Willem van Oranje from 1572 was Regent here. And was killed here in 1584. Since that time the royal family has their burials In the new Church of `delft. And got his nickname the prinsenstad. ( Prince City)

The Netherlands is a small country in the center of Europe.
We have about 16.000.000 inhabitants.
The Netherlands is from the half living below sea-level with the lowest point near Delft is about 6,76 meters below Sea-level. 
Our country i

s a Kingdom. 

PRAT is a foundation that has as Motto “parents for parents” preventive activities in case of risks of drug abuse.

SE-HAAGLANDEN is a foundation that has as target young kids and healthy life with sports good food.

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Our School

okul.jpgOur school was opened with the name of Ezine Celalettin Topçu Anatolian High School in may 2005 as part of the conversion of Freign Language based.There are 2 managers 19 teachers and 320 student in our school. Our aim is to place our students in prestigious universities. An other aim of ours is to bring up successful, healty and happy individuals.

To present out standing services to our environment, nation and all humanity. Obedience to Atatürk’s revolutions and principles, national, spiritual and universal values.
Our aims in It’s my life It’s my choice project
vTo acquire healty breakfast habits.
vTo obtain information about healty food.
vThe importance of the organic food.
vAvoid bad habits.
vHealty relationships between people.
vTo get to know historical and cultural values.
vInteraction of cultures.
vTo improve the life skills of our students.

 Associated Partner: Celalettin Topçu Anatolian High School Counselor

Celalettin Topçu Anatolian High School conducted a seminar on ‘How to develop healthy relationships among teenagers' including the subjects; avoiding drugs,alcohol,smoking, puberty among teenagers ,importance of healthy nutrition and some common communication mistakes among teenagers.Drama show by our students followed the lecture with the aim of drawing attention to basic points of healthy relationships among youngsters. Furthermore students exhibited a poster show to emphasize the harmful effects of drugs.Additionally, pandomim show was performed by one of our students(Esranur DOĞAN), dramatizing a drug, smoking and alcohol addict's hard life and giving massage not to use them.
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The Presentation of healthy life style, good relationships and avoiding addictions.

Click on the Link for the details

Associated Partner: Organic Cheese Production Factory: Peymar Cheese Factory

A Famous Cheese Factory named 'Peymar' in Ezine helped us to learn the process of organic production of cheese and explained each step to be followed to achieve this.We visited the production place with the participation of all the coordinators,teachers and students of our Project Partners during the mobility to Turkey.

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Associated Partner: Çanakkale 18 March University Sociology Department Dr.Elif GEZGİN

Dr. Elif Gezgin who is an research assistant in Department of Sociology in Science and Literature Faculty of Canakkale 18 March University gave a seminar entitled 'An Antidote For Ignorance: Multiculturalism' concerning ‘cross- cultural communication'

Conference took place in Troia Culture Center of Çanakkale 18 Mart University during Turkey Meeting with the attandence of all the coordinators,teachers and students of our project Partners;The Basque Country, Sweden,The Netherlands,Turkey.The workshop drew a lot of attention from the students and teachers.

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Click on the Link to get further information about the workshop.

Drapeau polynésie.jpg French Polynesia

Our shool informations


 Aorai High School is located in the town of Pirae, only a few kilometers away from Papeete, the capital city of French Polynesia. Our school used to be part of the largest and oldest High school in Polynesia, Taaone High School which was divided in two in 2008. Aorai High School, Taaone High School as well as Taaone Junior High are located on the same vast area (30 000m2), all three all them providing education for 4000 pupils from 11 to 21 years old, coming from all over Polynesia, some of them from distant islands like the Marquesas ( three to four-hour flight). About 350 of those pupils stay, during the week, at the boarding school which is located in-between both high schools. Most of them go back home only twice a year, at Christmas time and at the end of the school year (July).
 1200 of those pupils ( 15 to 21 years old) are attending today, Aorai High School, mostly girls due to a specific educational offer ranging from general to technical education as well as vocational training ( secretary / sales assistant).

 The main goal of our partnership is to make our students aware of the importance of having a healthy lifestyle, to get them responsible and involved in their lives "a healthy mind and a healthy body ".
 With this project we want to make our students think on their behavior, the food they eat, their health, their sports practices and their relationships, while taking advantage of new technologies and using English to communicate with our partners .
 Creativity, solving problems, taking decisions, critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills will be on which we will focus on. We will also ensure our students’ development of social skills such as citizenship, social responsibility, cultural awareness, fight against stereotypes and social networking.
 To achieve this goal, we will work with our partners on the three themes of our project: balanced nutrition, health, and relationships to others. “It is my life, it is my choice."

Our associated partners

Dr BULARD , a nutritionist specialized in behavioral and cognitive therapies, will explain to our students how to have an healthy diet and how they can control their weight.

He gave a lecture at Aorai School on Wednesday,November 26, 2014 during the first teachers' meeting. The subject was" How to understand being overweight". The conference is in the attached file below.

He helped us to prepare the breakfast survey, the healthy breakfast, the health campaign and the survey about eating desorders.

SCSHSS Service , Centre of Mother and Child in PIRAE . This service priority is Education for Health.

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