Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. For us, as teachers, our daily work involves institutionalized teaching and learning in relation to a curriculum but we can’t forget that any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. It’s here where our Erasmus+ project fits, preparing students for life as active citizens.

This is the blog specially created for the ERASMUS+ project called It's my life, it's my choice Here there are the 5 EUROPEAN schools working together in this challenger adventure:

1- The Coordinating school: LAUDIO BHI from Laudio (SPAIN)
2.- GROTIUSCOLLEGE, Delft (The Netherlands)
3.- NORGARDENSKOLAN, Uddevalla (Sweden)
5.- LYCEE AORAI, Pirae (French Polynesia)


This activity was prepared in French Polynesia , with the help of our associated partner, Dr Bulard.

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1. Name several eating disorders and describe them.2. What is the difference between bulimia and hyperphagia?3. What are the causes of eating disorders?4. Around you, do you know people with eating disorders? How can you help them?Tests:

Drapeau polynésie.jpg

1. Name several eating disorders and describe them.
2. What is the difference between bulimia and hyperphagia?
3. What are the causes of eating disorders?
4. Around you, do you know people with eating disorders? How can you help them?




1. Name several eating disorders and describe them.
2. What is the difference between bulimia and hyperphagia?
3. What are the causes of eating disorders?
4. Around you, do you know people with eating disorders? How can you help them?



1. Name several eating disorders and describe them.

Bulimia, is characterized by excessive eating, and then ridding yourself of the food by 
vomiting. Anorexia, is the name for simply starving yourself because you are convinced you are overweight. Obesity, is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health. Vigorexia, is an obsessive preoccupation of their body is too small, too slim so it carries to doing too much sport. 

2. What is the difference between bulimia and hyperphagia?

Bulimia is excessive eating and then vomiting and hyperphagia is excessive hunger or increased appetite for consumption of food frequently associated with injury to the hypothalamus.

3. What are the causes of eating disorders?

The disorders are caused by a complex interaction of social, biological and psychological factors which bring about the harmful behaviors, related to the diet you follow

4. Around you, do you know people with eating disorders? How can you help them?

We think it’s hard to help people with those kind of problems without being an specialist, because, we can’t get to understand how they feel and might hurt them. But it’s true that is very important to give them all your support, and be careful with conversations you may have with people like that related to food



1. Name several eating disorders and describe them.
2. What is the difference between bulimia and hyperphagia?
3. What are the causes of eating disorders?
4. Around you, do you know people with eating disorders? How can you help them?

Mert Şahin,Ceren Aytaç;



1. Name several eating disorders and describe them.
2. What is the difference between bulimia and hyperphagia?
3. What are the causes of eating disorders?
4. Around you, do you know people with eating disorders? How can you help them?


1. What are the external signs of a food allergy?
The external sings are allergic reactions, such as itchy skin, rash in the skin, difficult in the breathing or stomach ache.
2. Do you know the most allergen type of food?
Some examples of the most allergen food are gluten, colorants, edulcorants,conservateurs, peanuts and cashew nuts.
3. Do you know other kinds of food that can cause allergies?
Yes, other food like daily products such as milk or yogurth, legumes, glucous...
4. What should be done in case of food allergy?
If we have an allergy, firstly, we have to avoid eating this food, go to the doctor, read the ingridients of what you are buying before eating it...When we go somewhere outside, we have to say that we have this intolerance to a specific food and we also have to think about the problems we will have if we eat that.

5. Explain why there are more and more food allergies.

They’re more food allergies because although we’ve got a greater hygiene and more medicines, nowadays, we eat much more food than some years ago, we consume a lot and the food have chemical substances, so it is unhealthy.

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1. What are the external signs of a food allergy?
2. Do you know the most allergen type of food?
3. Do you know other kinds of food that can cause allergies?
4. What should be done in case of food allergy?
5. Explain why there are more and more food allergies.

Food allergy.PNG


1. What are the external signs of a food allergy?
2. Do you know the most allergen type of food?
3. Do you know other kinds of food that can cause allergies?
4. What should be done in case of food allergy?
5. Explain why there are more and more food allergies.


1. What are the external signs of a food allergy?
2. Do you know the most allergen type of food?
3. Do you know other kinds of food that can cause allergies?
4. What should be done in case of food allergy?
5. Explain why there are more and more food allergies.

1. What are the external signs of a food allergy?
2. Do you know the most allergen type of food?
3. Do you know other kinds of food that can cause allergies?
4. What should be done in case of food allergy?
5. Explain why there are more and more food allergies.


1. What are the external signs of a food allergy?
Skin complains: Itch, rash, hives, Eczema edema.
Respitory Problems: Sortness of breathing.
Gastrointestinal complains: Tingling sensation in the mouth. Vomitting, Diarrhea, Constipation.
Watery eyes , sneezing, itchy throat and nose.

2. Do you know the most allergen type of food?

3. Do you know other kinds of food that can cause allergies?
Shellfish, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts and wheat.

4. What should be done in case of food allergy?
Medications like penicillin or asperin but most visit the docter.

5. Explain why there are more and more food allergies.
Because of the varied food.


1. What is BMI (Body mass index)? What are the normal values ?
2. What are the percentages of obesity in Spain, Netherlands, French Polynesia, Sweden, and Turkey?
3. What do you think of an overweight or obese person?
4. What are the different solutions for overweight or obese people to lose weight? How can you help them?

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1. What is BMI (Body mass index)? What are the normal values ?
Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women.
2. What are the percentages of obesity in Spain, Netherlands, French Polynesia, Sweden, and Turkey?
3. What do you think of an overweight or obese person?
4. What are the different solutions for overweight or obese people to lose weight? How can you help them?

obésité et surpoids.PNG


1. What is BMI (Body mass index)? What are the normal values ?
2. What are the percentages of obesity in Spain, Netherlands, French Polynesia, Sweden, and Turkey?
3. What do you think of an overweight or obese person?
4. What are the different solutions for overweight or obese people to lose weight? How can you help them?


1. What is BMI (Body mass index)? What are the normal values ?
2. What are the percentages of obesity in Spain, Netherlands, French Polynesia, Sweden, and Turkey?
3. What do you think of an overweight or obese person?
4. What are the different solutions for overweight or obese people to lose weight? How can you help them?


1. What is BMI (Body mass index)? What are the normal values ?
2. What are the percentages of obesity in Spain, Netherlands, French Polynesia, Sweden, and Turkey?
3. What do you think of an overweight or obese person?
4. What are the different solutions for overweight or obese people to lose weight? How can you help them?

Ceren AYTAÇ, Mert ŞAHİN,Aleyna Gedik;


1. What is BMI (Body mass index)? What are the normal values ?
Body mass index is a rate that tells you something about your weight or overweight.
A normal body mass is between 18,5 and 25. It is the ratio between your length and your weight.
2. What are the percentages of obesity in Spain, Netherlands, French Polynesia, Sweden, and Turkey?
In the Netherlands has 40% of the people problems with obesity.
3. What do you think of an overweight or obese person?
I think it is unhealthy and it can give a lot of physical problems. So they have to eat less and move more.

4. What are the different solutions for overweight or obese people to lose weight? How can you help them?
They should go to the doctor and he/she will refer you to a dietician.
They will give an eating schedule. And they can also go on a sport.

Diabète 1.PNG

1. Why is the number of people with type 2 diabetes four times higher than in 1980?
2. What are the health risks for a person suffering from diabetes type 2?
3. Put equivalences between a serving of food and the number of pieces of sugar. Ex: 100 gr of rice = 25 % of sugar = 5 pieces of sugar.
100 gr of bread =
100 gr of Chocapic =
100 gr of Nutella =
50 cl of Coca Cola =
4. Apart from pharmaceutical drugs, what can improve a diabetes type 2?
5. Describe the physical profile of a person suffering from diabetes type 2.

Drapeau polynésie.jpg

1. Why is the number of people with type 2 diabetes four times higher than in 1980?
2. What are the health risks for a person suffering from diabetes type 2?
3. Put equivalences between a serving of food and the number of pieces of sugar. Ex: 100 gr of rice = 25 % of sugar = 5 pieces of sugar.
100 gr of bread = 4.3% of sugar
100 gr of Chocapic = 28.8% of sugar
100 gr of Nutella = 58.8% of sugar
50 cl of Coca Cola =
4. Apart from pharmaceutical drugs, what can improve a diabetes type 2?
5. Describe the physical profile of a person suffering from diabetes type 2.

Diabète 2.PNG


1. Why is the number of people with type 2 diabetes four times higher than in 1980?
2. What are the health risks for a person suffering from diabetes type 2?
3. Put equivalences between a serving of food and the number of pieces of sugar. Ex: 100 gr of rice = 25 % of sugar = 5 pieces of sugar.
100 gr of bread =
100 gr of Chocapic =
100 gr of Nutella =
50 cl of Coca Cola =
4. Apart from pharmaceutical drugs, what can improve a diabetes type 2?
5. Describe the physical profile of a person suffering from diabetes type 2.


1. Why is the number of people with type 2 diabetes four times higher than in 1980?
Because nowadays we consume more fast food and food that is full of sugar. Our food habits are less regulate and we consume many more quantity and in hours that we shouldn't.
2. What are the health risks for a person suffering from diabetes type 2?
  • Being overweight means that you have more fatty tissue, which makes your cells more resistant to insulin. Extra fat in the abdomen increases your risk more than extra fat in the hips and thighs.
  • Your risk increases if you have a sedentary lifestyle. Regular exercise uses up glucose and helps your cells respond better to insulin.
  • Eating a lot of junk foods or eating too much wreaks havoc on your blood glucose levels
3. Put equivalences between a serving of food and the number of pieces of sugar. Ex: 100 gr of rice = 25 % of sugar = 5 pieces of sugar.
100 gr of bread = 4.3% of sugar
100 gr of Chocapic = 28.8% of sugar
100 gr of Nutella = 58.8% of sugar
50cl of Cocacola= 5.3% of sugar
4. Apart from pharmaceutical drugs, what can improve a diabetes type 2?
5. Describe the physical profile of a person suffering from diabetes type 2.


1. Why is the number of people with type 2 diabetes four times higher than in 1980?
2. What are the health risks for a person suffering from diabetes type 2?
3. Put equivalences between a serving of food and the number of pieces of sugar. Ex: 100 gr of rice = 25 % of sugar = 5 pieces of sugar.
100 gr of bread =
100 gr of Chocapic =
100 gr of Nutella =
50 cl of Coca Cola =
4. Apart from pharmaceutical drugs, what can improve a diabetes type 2?
5. Describe the physical profile of a person suffering from diabetes type 2

Ceren AYTAÇ,Mert Şahin ,Aleyna Gedik;


1. Why is the number of people with type 2 diabetes four times higher than in 1980?
Because of eating more junk food then before. And move less.And because there are more people with obesity.
2. What are the health risks for a person suffering from diabetes type 2?
They can get problems with organs, nerves, eyes, kidney and vanes.
3. Put equivalences between a serving of food and the number of pieces of sugar. Ex: 100 gr of rice = 25 % of sugar = 5 pieces of sugar.
100 gr of bread = 3% sugar in bread.
100 gr of Chocapic =28%
100 gr of Nutella =almost 60%
50 cl of Coca Cola =39 gram of sugar
4. Apart from pharmaceutical drugs, what can improve a diabetes type 2?
Eat healthy food, move more, don't smoke and try to keep away from obesity.
5. Describe the physical profile of a person suffering from diabetes type 2.

Mostley overweight, less sportive, to high cholestoral and high bloodpressure.

Introduction and evaluation of the workshop
Eating disorders during the mobility to Laudio May 2017 was led by the students from French Polynesia

This is the students' work during the workshop " Evaluation of Eating desorders"

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