Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. For us, as teachers, our daily work involves institutionalized teaching and learning in relation to a curriculum but we can’t forget that any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. It’s here where our Erasmus+ project fits, preparing students for life as active citizens.

This is the blog specially created for the ERASMUS+ project called It's my life, it's my choice Here there are the 5 EUROPEAN schools working together in this challenger adventure:

1- The Coordinating school: LAUDIO BHI from Laudio (SPAIN)
2.- GROTIUSCOLLEGE, Delft (The Netherlands)
3.- NORGARDENSKOLAN, Uddevalla (Sweden)
5.- LYCEE AORAI, Pirae (French Polynesia)

Thursday 17 December 2015

Swedish Students in Tahiti

Sunday: Everybody arrived to Tahiti in the same airplane in about six o’clock. We were very welcomed and pleased that we had finally arrived. They gave us necklaces of flowers. After we packed up our stuff and been welcomed to the family we went to the beach.
 think we all went to bed early that night.

Monday: We all gathered at the school at half past eight. All the students went to the sports hall where we sat down and enjoyed dance performances of different kinds. It was like nothing we’d ever seen before, and it was an amazing experience. After that all the exchange students from the different countries had a presentation about their country. After lunch we all took the bus to the capital of Tahiti,  Papeete, and went to the Territorial Assembly. There we had a guided tour of the Assembly and later we had a quiz of what we had learned from the tour. Later we went to the park nearby and played beach soccer. It was really fun and games until Julia accidently hurt her knee. She was alright though and walked the next day.

Tuesday: We started the day with a gathering at the harbour. After that we took the ferry to the sister island of Tahiti, Moorea. When we came to Moorea the bus wait on us and then drive us to the other side of the island. When we walk on the bus a boat wait on us and drive us to a smaller island where we stay the rest of the day. On the smaller island we swim with sharks and stingrays.
After we have been at the island we took the ferry back to Tahiti and go home to our host families.

Wednesday: The day started early at the school with flowers everywhere and happy faces. You could try out different activities such as playing the ukulele, playing a sort of drum, braiding with straw and learning a traditional dance. After lunch we played memory with different languages, played a Basque running game and learned to dance. There were 3 different dances with different choreography and everyone did their very best. It was really fun to see non dancers killing it on the dancefloor. Me and my teacher Johan both ran some kind of race, with 10 kilos of fruit on our shoulders. He finished at first place and I finished second.

Thursday: We all started the day with lessons about different addictions. It was lessons about addiction to drugs, food, internet and love. After the lessons we ate at the school. After the lunch we took a bus to the mountains. After a long time walking we arrived on top of the mountains and the view vas amazing.

Friday: On friday we were at the school and we had our presentation again, but this time it was in front of a few classes.

On the afternoon we were at the city hall and there we had a summary of the week and we sang the Erasmus song.

we also did get a certificate of participation.

it was black friday so it was lower price on everything so we were at the market during the day.

Saturday: On saturday we were with our host families. Almost everybody went with a bus around the island and we took a bath in a waterfall.

 Sunday: The day of travel. Everybody were going home to each country again.


Thank you for this amazing week! We will never forget this!

Students working!

Hi everybody!

Our Erasmusgroup at work, we have given them the task of editing the wiki and also creating their family albums. It feels great thata the Group is working very hard and we will be ready with some tasks Before the hollidays.

Friday 4 December 2015

Erasmus week in Tahiti Newspapers La Dépêche de Tahiti and Tahiti Infos November 2015

Departure from Tahiti
3. Eleven students and seven teachers in Tahiti for an Erasmus project are going back to Spain, Sweden and Holland
4. After one week  spent in the Pomare family for an Erasmus project, Nerea is leaving for Spain

Thursday 19 November 2015

El IES Laudio BHI lleva años trabajando en la mejora de las competencias en lengua extranjera de su alumnado, y han sido seleccionados como referentes de buenas prácticas en dos ocasiones por parte del Departamento de Educación del G.V y del Ministerio de Educación español ( En 2014 presentaron a la Comisión Europea un nuevo proyecto titulado: It´s my life, It´s my choice, que además de fomentar las habilidades lingüísticas y el intercambio entre los estudiantes de los distintos centros participantes, buscaba reflexionar junto con el alumnado sobre asuntos importantes para la sociedad como las drogas, la ecología o la integración y la solidaridad. En este último bloque, y dado que en Laudio existe una comunidad saharaui importante, el IES de Laudio, a través de María López Belloso y Ángela Rico Herrería, activistas de la causa saharaui y socias del Bubisher, se pusieron en contacto con nosotros para formar parte de este proyecto.

En el proyecto, coordinado por LAUDIO BHI  participan también:

- GROTIUSCOLLEGE, Delft (The Netherlands)

NORGARDENSKOLAN, Uddevalla (Sweden)


- LYCEE AORAI, Pirae (French Polynesia)

A raíz de esta colaboración, el IES Laudio BHI ha ido organizando una serie de actividades junto con el Bubisher con el doble objetivo de:
Difundir el proyecto y la situación de la población en los campamentos de población refugiada saharaui.

Contribuir al proyecto con el salario de un bibliotecario durante un año
Estas actividades se suman a iniciativas previas del centro para colaborar y sensibilizar a profesorado y alumnado sobre la causa saharaui.
 Así, a la tradicional participación del IES en los mercados solidarios organizados por el Ayto de Laudio, y a la participación en las caravanas solidarias “Piztu Itxaropena” organizadas por la Asociación de Amigos y amigas de la RASD Euskadi para el envío de alimentos a los campamentos en la caravana solidaria, se sumó la organización de Cuentos y Cantos bajo la Haima saharui el 23 de abril de 2015, a manos de nuestro presidente Liman Boisha y Gabriel Flores.
  En esta actividad organizada en dos sesiones, una en exclusiva para el alumnado del centro, y otra para el municipio de Llodio se presentaron las tradiciones y cuentos tradicionales saharauis.
El 24 de septiembre de 2015, en el marco del Día Mundial de las lenguas, se celebró en el Ayuntamiento de Laudio la presentación del proyecto en el contexto de la CAPV así como de las organizaciones asociadas, como la nuestra.2
Por su parte, el 22 de octubre, nuestra compañera María López Belloso, visitó el Instituto para contextualizar al alumnado participante en el proyecto sobre la situación en los campamentos de población refugiada en Tinduf, especialmente después de las graves inundaciones del pasado mes de octubre, y para dar a conocer el proyecto Bubisher y el reto de conseguir el salario anual de un bibliotecario. El próximo mes de diciembre, Gonzalo Moure visitará el centro para seguir trabajando con el alumnado y ver el avance en las ideas de los chavales y chavalas para cumplimentar los objetivos.

For years our school has been working with our students  in the enhancement of their command of foreign languages. Thus we have been selected twice as references of good practices by both the Department of Education of the Basque Government and by the Spanish Ministry of Education. In 2014 we presented the European Commission a new project, namely, `It´s my Life, it´s my Choice´. This project aimed to foster the students´ hold of linguistic skills as well as the students´ exchange among the schools taking part. The project would also seek to reflect on social issues, such as drugs, ecology and sympathy.  In the latter block and owing to the fact that there is a significant Saharan community, we got in contact with María López Belloso and Ángela Herrería , activists of the Saharan cause as well as members of Bubisher. They agreed to take part in the project.
In the project, coordinated by our school, the following schools take part:

- GROTIUSCOLLEGE, Delft, The Netherlands

- NORGARDENSKOLAN, Udevalla, Sweden


- LYCEE AORAI, Pirae, French Polynesia 1

As a result of this collaboration, Laudio Secondary School has organized, together with Bubisher, a number of activities seeking a twofold objective:
1                    spread the project and the awareness of the situation of the population in the
Saharan refugee camps
2                    contribute to the project with the yearly salary of a librarian
These  activities may be added to the previous efforts by the school to raise awareness of the Saharan cause.
Thus , we were contributed with the organization of  (`Tales and Songs Under the Haima´) on 25th April, 2015, under the direction of Bubisher´s president Liman Boisha and Gabriel Flores´ collaboration. This event was added to the traditional contribution of our school to both the Solidarity Markets organized by the Council of Llodio and the also traditional `Piztu Itxaropena´ (`Light Hope´) caravans, organized by the Association of Friends of RASD Basque Country, for shipping food to the camps.
`Cuentos y Cantos Bajo la Haima´ was held in two sessions, one for our students exclusively and another one for the people of Llodio. There we could learn about the traditions of Sahara and hear some of their traditional tales. 
On September, 24 2015, in the frame of the World Day of the Languages, the presentation of the project in the context of the Basque Country Autonomous Community and the associated organizations, like ours, was held.  3

Besides, on October 22, our collegue María López Belloso visited our school to set a context for the students taking part in the project over the situation of the refugees at Tinduf camps, especially after the serious floods which they lived through in October. She also presented the Bubisher project and their challenge to raise the yearly salary of a librarian. Next December, Gonzalo Moure will visit the school to continue working with our students and see the improvement of their work in the accomplishment of the objectives.


Tuesday 17 November 2015

Mentioned on our municipal webpage

Hi and see you soon!

Our project has been mentioned on our municipal webpage. In short it states that we are going to Tahiti and meet up with the rest of you and also alot about the project. You can view the page here

Elever och lärare från Norgårdenskolan åker till Tahiti

Deltagare i projektet "It´s my life, it´s my choice" besökte Uddevalla i maj. Nu åker fyra elever och två lärare från Norgårdenskolan till Tahiti inom ramen för samma projekt.
Deltagare i projektet "It´s my life, it´s my choice" besökte Uddevalla i maj. Nu åker fyra elever och två lärare från Norgårdenskolan till Tahiti inom ramen för samma projekt.
Fyra elever och två lärare från Norgårdenskolan åker på lördag 21 november till Tahiti inom ramen för ett europeiskt samarbete inom Erasmus+. De ska under en veckas tid ha ett utbyte med en skola i huvudstaden Papete.
Projektet går under namnet ”It´s my life it´s my choice” och handlar om livsstil och hälsa. På Tahiti ska Norgårdeneleverna bo hemma hos värdfamiljer och följa elevernas ordinarie undervisning.
”It´s my life it´s my choice” riktar sig till elever på högstadiet i åldersgruppen 13-16 år och pågår under 2015-2017. I projektet ingår även skolor från Baskien, Turkiet och Holland.
Under veckan på Tahiti medverkar elever och lärare från Holland och Baskien. Norgårdeneleverna kommer att få redovisa hur skolan arbetar inom hälsa, motion samt mot alkohol- och droganvändning. Bland annat ska de berätta om hur man stärker sin självkänsla och vågar säga nej. 
- Eleverna är förväntansfulla och nervösa, det här blir en fantastisk erfarenhet och vi kommer att få se en helt annan kultur, säger Helena Hibell, koordinator och en av de två lärare som följer med.
I mars åkte sex elever och två lärare från Norgårdenskolan till Delft i Holland och i maj var Norgårdenskolan värd för ett besök av 8 lärare och 29 elever från de deltagande länderna inom projektet. Under projektets gång kommer flera elever få chansen att åka till de involverade länderna och ta del av deras vardag.
- Internationella utbytens betydelse för språkutveckling, studieresultat och personlig utveckling är en viktig faktor för att lyckas i sin skolgång och i framtidens samhälle, säger Helena Hibell.
Under sitt besök på Tahiti kommer eleverna bland annat att få träffa Franska Polynesiens president, uppleva polynesisk dag och snorkla vid ön Moorea. Elever och lärare kommer hem till Uddevalla igen den 30 november.

Wednesday 16 September 2015


Here you can listen to the RADIO program about this activity.



Thursday 24th of September, 2015



Target  groups:

                        *.-Educational staff interested in European Dimension School good practices.
                        *.- European projects advisors and Directors of  Berritzeguneak (Innovation Centers)
                        *.- School teachers participating or interested in ERASMUS+KA2
                        *.- Project associated partners with  IES LAUDIO BHI:
                                   .- SASOIA:  Adictions prevention.
                                   .- Ekoizpen: Ecological agricultura and comsuption groups.
.-Bubisher: Helping Saharaui people Association. Mobile libraries net in refugee camps.


                        *.-To explain the point of view of the Department of Education about the short                          experience in the Erasmus+ program at school level.
                        *.- To disseminate the experience of the participating schools.
                        *.- To encourage the participation in these activities to other schools.
                        *.- To provide time for debate among the participants.

Conference room of the Culture House of Laudio
September 24th

*10-10.10       Official opening: Begoña Garamendi, Director of Educational Innovation.                     and / or Mikel Agirregabiria Head of  Pedagogical Innovation Service.
                       Basque Government Department of  Education.

*10.10-10.30  Erasmus+ KA2: Beyond a cultural exchange. Conchi Bergera,                                   Responsible for School European programs. Basque Government Department                 of Education.

*10.30-10.50  IES LAUDIO BHI Project presentation Jose Mari Fernández, Teacher                       and Coordinator of European projects in Laudio Secondary school.
.- Presentation and objectives,….
- Students’ collaborative work in  Erasmus+: Blogs and wikis                  
.- Short introduction of  partner schools: Sweden, Holland, Turkey and Tahiti
            * 10.50-11.20  Project Associated partners:
.- City Council of Laudio: Addictions preventions department and  Sasoia: Mariola Miguel and Vicente Fernández. Alcohol, tobacco and other addictions consumption prevention among school students.
.- Ekoizpen: Marijo Imaz The importance of Organic food in a healthy lifestyle. Consumer groups.
.- Bubisher: Maria Belloso, Integration of immigrant students in our schools.
 The Saharaui issue.

*11:20-11.35 IES URBI BHI (Basauri) Project presentation 
                        “FOR – Finding Our Roots”
                        Karmele López De Abetxuko and Marije Ramírez, Teachers and                                  coordinators of european projects in the Institute of Urbi

*11.35-12       Time for questions and debate